• 026-12 13 74
  • Trutvägen 4, Gävle
  • Mån-fre 7.00-16.00

Företag i alm gruppen

"; Sälj skrot hos Arvid Svensson | Sälj Metallskrot | Gävle
  • 026-12 13 74
  • Trutvägen 4, Gävle
  • Mån-fre 7.00-16.00

Företag i alm gruppen

  • 026-12 13 74
  • Trutvägen 4, Gävle
  • Mån-fre 7.00-16.00

Företag i alm gruppen


\r\n\tI agree for my personal data to be processed by <\/span>, for the purpose(s) of <\/span>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\t\r\n\tI agree for my personal data, provided via map API calls, to be processed by the API provider, for the purposes of geocoding (converting addresses to coordinates), reverse geocoding and\tgenerating directions.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tSome visual components of WP Google Maps use 3rd party libraries which are loaded over the network. At present the libraries are Google Maps, Open Street Map, jQuery DataTables and FontAwesome. When loading resources over a network, the 3rd party server will receive your IP address and User Agent string amongst other details. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the respective libraries for details on how they use data and the process to exercise your rights under the GDPR regulations.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWP Google Maps uses jQuery DataTables to display sortable, searchable tables, such as that seen in the Advanced Marker Listing and on the Map Edit Page. jQuery DataTables in certain circumstances uses a cookie to save and later recall the \"state\" of a given table - that is, the search term, sort column and order and current page. This data is held in local storage and retained until this is cleared manually. No libraries used by WP Google Maps transmit this information.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tPlease see here<\/a> and here<\/a> for Google's terms. Please also see Google's Privacy Policy<\/a>. We do not send the API provider any personally identifying information, or information that could uniquely identify your device.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWhere this notice is displayed in place of a map, agreeing to this notice will store a cookie recording your agreement so you are not prompted again.\r\n<\/p>","wpgmza_gdpr_company_name":"Arvid Svenssons G\u00e4vle | S\u00e4lj & \u00e5tervinn ditt metallskrot","wpgmza_gdpr_retention_purpose":"displaying map tiles, geocoding addresses and calculating and display directions.","wpgmza_settings_marker_pull":"0","wpgmza_maps_engine":"open-layers","wpgmza_maps_engine_dialog_done":true,"wpgmza_marker_xml_url":"https:\/\/arvidsvenssons.se\/wp-content\/uploads\/wp-google-maps\/","internal_engine":"legacy","defaultMarkerIcon":"https:\/\/arvidsvenssons.se\/wp-content\/plugins\/wp-google-maps\/images\/spotlight-poi2.png","developerMode":false,"gdprCompanyName":"Arvid Svenssons G\u00e4vle | S\u00e4lj & \u00e5tervinn ditt metallskrot","gdprDefaultNotice":"

\r\n\tI agree for my personal data to be processed by <\/span>, for the purpose(s) of <\/span>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\t\r\n\tI agree for my personal data, provided via map API calls, to be processed by the API provider, for the purposes of geocoding (converting addresses to coordinates), reverse geocoding and\tgenerating directions.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tSome visual components of WP Google Maps use 3rd party libraries which are loaded over the network. At present the libraries are Google Maps, Open Street Map, jQuery DataTables and FontAwesome. When loading resources over a network, the 3rd party server will receive your IP address and User Agent string amongst other details. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the respective libraries for details on how they use data and the process to exercise your rights under the GDPR regulations.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWP Google Maps uses jQuery DataTables to display sortable, searchable tables, such as that seen in the Advanced Marker Listing and on the Map Edit Page. jQuery DataTables in certain circumstances uses a cookie to save and later recall the \"state\" of a given table - that is, the search term, sort column and order and current page. This data is held in local storage and retained until this is cleared manually. No libraries used by WP Google Maps transmit this information.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tPlease see here<\/a> and here<\/a> for Google's terms. Please also see Google's Privacy Policy<\/a>. We do not send the API provider any personally identifying information, or information that could uniquely identify your device.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWhere this notice is displayed in place of a map, agreeing to this notice will store a cookie recording your agreement so you are not prompted again.\r\n<\/p>","gdprEnabled":1,"gdprRetentionPurpose":"displaying map tiles, geocoding addresses and calculating and display directions.","googleMapsApiKey":false,"internalEngine":"legacy","mapsEngineDialogDone":true,"markerPull":"database","markerXmlUrl":"https:\/\/arvidsvenssons.se\/wp-content\/uploads\/wp-google-maps\/","userInterfaceStyle":"default"},"stylingSettings":{},"currentPage":null,"userCanAdministrator":"0","serverCanInflate":"1","localized_strings":{"unsecure_geolocation":"M\u00e5nga webbl\u00e4sare till\u00e5ter inte l\u00e4ngre geolokalisering fr\u00e5n os\u00e4krat ursprung. Du m\u00e5ste s\u00e4kra din webbplats med ett SSL-certifikat (HTTPS) annars kanske den h\u00e4r funktionen inte fungerar f\u00f6r dina bes\u00f6kare","use_my_location":"Anv\u00e4nd min plats","google_api_not_loaded":"Kartan kan inte initieras eftersom Maps API inte har laddats. Kontrollera dina inst\u00e4llningar.","no_google_maps_api_key":"Du har inte angett en Google Maps API-nyckel<\/b>.

G\u00e5 till ditt administrat\u00f6rsomr\u00e5de, sedan Maps, sedan Inst\u00e4llningar och sedan fliken Avancerat f\u00f6r att
ange din Google Maps API-nyckel<\/a>.

Alternativt kan du
v\u00e4lja Open Layers-motorn<\/a> f\u00f6r att undvika att f\u00e5 en API-nyckel.","documentation":"Dokumentation","api_dashboard":"API-instrumentpanel","verify_project":"Verifiera projekt","no_shape_circle":"V\u00e4nligen skapa cirkeln f\u00f6rst.","no_shape_rectangle":"Please create the rectangle first.","no_shape_polygon":"Skapa polygonen f\u00f6rst.","no_shape_polyline":"V\u00e4nligen skapa polylinjen f\u00f6rst.","failed_to_get_address":"Det gick inte att h\u00e4mta adressen","failed_to_create_marker":"Det gick inte att skapa mark\u00f6r %d - denna mark\u00f6r kan inte placeras p\u00e5 kartan.","my_location":"Min plats","kilometers_away":"km bort","miles_away":"miles bort","import_completed":"Importen slutf\u00f6rd.","importing_please_wait":"Importerar, det h\u00e4r kan ta en stund...","no_address_specified":"Ingen adress angiven","add_marker":"L\u00e4gg till mark\u00f6r","save_marker":"Spara Mark\u00f6r","please_wait":"Beskriv g\u00e4rnaV\u00e4nta...","zero_results":"Inga resultat hittades p\u00e5 denna plats. Var god f\u00f6rs\u00f6k igen.","address_not_found":"Den h\u00e4r adressen kunde inte hittas. WP Go Maps anv\u00e4nder en tredjepartstj\u00e4nst (t.ex. Google) f\u00f6r att konvertera adresser till geografiska koordinater. Tyv\u00e4rr har tj\u00e4nsten inga uppgifter f\u00f6r denna adress f\u00f6r n\u00e4rvarande. F\u00f6rs\u00f6k med ett alternativt format, eller placera mark\u00f6ren manuellt genom att h\u00f6gerklicka.","geocode_fail":"Geokoden misslyckades p\u00e5 grund av tekniska sk\u00e4l","you_must_check_gdpr_consent":"Du m\u00e5ste kryssa i rutan f\u00f6r GDPR-samtycke f\u00f6r att forts\u00e4tta","no_gps_coordinates":"Inga GPS-koordinater hittades","fetching_directions":"Tar emot v\u00e4gbeskrivning...","unknown_directions_service_status":"Ok\u00e4nd v\u00e4gbeskrivningstj\u00e4nststatus","please_fill_out_both_from_and_to_fields":"V\u00e4nligen fyll i b\u00e5de 'fr\u00e5n' och 'till' f\u00e4lten","no_picture_found":"Ingen bild hittades","overwrite_theme_data":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill skriva \u00f6ver befintliga temadata?","upload_complete":"Uppladdningen \u00e4r klar","uploading_file":"Laddar upp fil","bulk_jpeg_media_title":"WP Go Maps - Bulk JPEG Upload","from_your_location":"fr\u00e5n din plats","from_searched_location":"fr\u00e5n s\u00f6kt plats","yes":"Ja","no":"Nej","requires_gold_v5":"Kr\u00e4ver WP Go Maps - Gold-till\u00e4gg 5.0.0 eller h\u00f6gre","confirm_remove_duplicates":"Denna operation \u00e4r inte reverserbar. Vi rekommenderar att du tar en s\u00e4kerhetskopia innan du forts\u00e4tter. Vill du forts\u00e4tta?","invalid_theme_data":"Ogiltig temadata","duplicate_custom_field_name":"Duplicera anpassade f\u00e4ltnamn, se till att du bara l\u00e4gger till unika anpassade f\u00e4ltnamn.","disabled_interactions_notice":"Vissa interaktioner \u00e4r inaktiverade.","interactions_enabled_notice":"Interaktioner aktiverade","disabled_interactions_button":"\u00c5teraktivera interaktioner","use_two_fingers":"Anv\u00e4nd tv\u00e5 fingrar f\u00f6r att flytta kartan","use_ctrl_scroll_to_zoom":"Anv\u00e4nd ctrl + scroll f\u00f6r att zooma kartan","geocode_was_not_successful":"Geokodning lyckades inte av f\u00f6ljande sk\u00e4l:","geocoding_library_notice":"Det gick inte att geokoda den h\u00e4r adressen. Kontrollera att du har aktiverat Geocoding API f\u00f6r ditt Google Maps API-projekt.","map_delete_prompt_text":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill ta bort den h\u00e4r kartan?","map_bulk_delete_prompt_text":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill ta bort den h\u00e4r kartan","general_delete_prompt_text":"\u00c4r du s\u00e4ker p\u00e5 att du vill ta den h\u00e4r datan?","new_map":"Ny karta","all":"Alla","cloud_api_key_error_1":"Autocomplete disabled. Find out more<\/a>."},"api_consent_html":"

\r\n\tI agree for my personal data to be processed by Arvid Svenssons G\u00e4vle | S\u00e4lj & \u00e5tervinn ditt metallskrot<\/span>, for the purpose(s) of displaying map tiles, geocoding addresses and calculating and display directions.<\/span>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\t\r\n\tI agree for my personal data, provided via map API calls, to be processed by the API provider, for the purposes of geocoding (converting addresses to coordinates), reverse geocoding and\tgenerating directions.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tSome visual components of WP Google Maps use 3rd party libraries which are loaded over the network. At present the libraries are Google Maps, Open Street Map, jQuery DataTables and FontAwesome. When loading resources over a network, the 3rd party server will receive your IP address and User Agent string amongst other details. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the respective libraries for details on how they use data and the process to exercise your rights under the GDPR regulations.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWP Google Maps uses jQuery DataTables to display sortable, searchable tables, such as that seen in the Advanced Marker Listing and on the Map Edit Page. jQuery DataTables in certain circumstances uses a cookie to save and later recall the \"state\" of a given table - that is, the search term, sort column and order and current page. This data is held in local storage and retained until this is cleared manually. No libraries used by WP Google Maps transmit this information.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tPlease see here<\/a> and here<\/a> for Google's terms. Please also see Google's Privacy Policy<\/a>. We do not send the API provider any personally identifying information, or information that could uniquely identify your device.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWhere this notice is displayed in place of a map, agreeing to this notice will store a cookie recording your agreement so you are not prompted again.\r\n<\/p>